}); Filipino Food Recipe: Mechado


photo grabbed from allrecipes.com

One of the popular Filipino dishes usually served during a special occasion.


1 kg. beef
1/4 cup cherry brandy
1/4 cup oil
6 - 8 cups water
1/4 cup soy sauce
1 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. peppercorn
bay leaf

1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
4 cups broth (strained)
2 tsp. maggi seasoning
1 tsp. Lea and Perrin sauce
1 tsp. salt and dash of pepper 


1.  Marinate 1 kg. beef around in wine.

2.  Fry in oil until golden brown

3.  Cook pre-fried beef in water, soy sauce, bay leaf and peppercorn.  Simmer for 3 -4 hours.

4.  Strain broth for mechado. Set aside.

5.  Slice 1-inch thick

6.  Serve with sauce 

Procedures for the Sauce of Mechado :

1.  Melt the butter.

2.  Add the flour, broth, maggi seasoning, Lean and Perrin sauce.

3.  Cook until thick, stirring continuously.

4.  Slice on top of the sliced beef.

5.  Serve with buttered green vegetables.

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